苏浙皖毗邻地区晚二叠世长兴期沉积有明显的分布规律。宣城、广德、宜兴、江阴一线以西为盆地相。其东,南至无锡、长兴、泾县一带为盆地边缘相,此二相大致相当于大隆组和“黑长兴”。盆地边缘相以东”为台地相沉积,即“白长兴”分布区,在台地相与盆地边缘相过渡带上,发育着高能的台地边缘相沉积,无锡嵩山长兴组就是一个典型的海绵礁沉积组合。苏州西山马石山长兴组则是一个中上部夹海绵生物丘的绿藻滩相沉积,两剖面均反映了台缘高能的环境,沿西山、嵩山往北至沙洲、向南至吴兴南皋桥一带。长兴组较两侧变厚,这一带又恰好位于“黑长兴”与“白长兴”相变带上,明显地勾划出了台地边缘走向,从而构成了本区长兴期由盆地—盆地边缘—台地边缘—台地相有规律的相带分布特征。 根据本区沉积相展布规律,笔者认为长兴期并不存在江阴—宜兴古隆起,这一带长兴期沉积是三叠早期剥蚀而缺失的,台地边缘高能带则分布于“黑长兴”与“白长兴”交界处的“白长兴”一侧,此相带中海绵礁和生物滩的发现为本区寻找烃类及其他有关矿产提供了一条重要线索。
There are marked distributive regularities for the sediments in Chang xing period of the late Permian. Basin facies is found in the area west to Xuan-cheng-Guangde - Yixing - Jiangying. While east-southwardly, in the area of Wuxi-Changxing-Jingxian, basin margin facies is localized. They can be roughly attributed ot Dalong Formation and'Dark Changxing', respectively. East to basin margin facies is platform facial sediments,i.e.'White Changxing' distributive area where the sediments of high energized platform margin facies were devloped on the transitive zone between platform facies and basin margin facies. An example is taken--Changxing Formation in Songshan, Wuxi, which is a typical sedimentary assemblage of sponge reef; in contrast, Changxing formation in Mashishan of Xishan belongs to a sediment of chl-orophyceae beach facies with spongeous bioherm interbeded in middle - upper sections.Both reflect a high energized environment of platform margin. Along from Xishan, and Songshan, northwardly to Shazhou and southward to the zone of Nangaoqiao in Wuxing, Changxing Formation becomes thickened compared with the two sides, and the zone is just on the facial change belt between'Dark Changxing' and' White Changxing', showing a trend clearly outlined for the platform margin. Therefore the Changxing Formation in the area is characteristic of regular facies belt distribution in a pattern of basin - basin margin - platform margin - platform.
The authors do not think that Jiangying-Yixing palaeo - uplift existed during Changxing period based on the distributive regularities of sedimentary facies. The sediments in Changxing period in the area had been absent due to denudation in early Triassic. The high energy zone of platform margin was distributed on the side of' White Changxing' of the juncture between 'Dark Changxing'and' White Changxing'.
The discovery of sponge-reef biogenic beach in this facies belt provides leads for exploration of hydrocarbons and other related minerals in the area.
Petroleum Geology & Experiment