
基于神经网络的国际化办学策略影响大学综合实力的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study on the Influence of International Strategies of Running Schools on the Overall Strength of Universities Based on Neural Network
摘要 研究高等院校国际化办学策略与其综合实力之间的关系。在分析讨论院校国际化交流与合作程度的几项指标和大学综合实力的指标关系的基础上,采用神经网络的方法,进行定性定量的分析和描述,得出了国际合作与交流对大学的综合实力确实有着积极影响的结论,并给出了国际交流形式选择对提高高校综合实力的具体建议,可供有关方面参考。 This paper mainly deals with the relationship between international strategies of running schools and the overall Strength of Chinese universities.Based on the analysis of the relationship between the indexes of the degree of international communication and cooperation between universities and those of the overall strength of universities,we make a qualitative and quantitative description and analysis through neural network method and drive home the point that international communication and cooperation have a positive influence on the overall strength of universities.Accordingly,specific suggestions are given on how to choose the forms of international communication to improve the overall strength of universities.
作者 胡亦武
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期117-122,共6页 Systems Engineering
基金 广州市教育科学"十一五"规划课题(07B291)
关键词 高等教育管理 教育国际化策略 综合实力 神经网络 Higher Education Management Strategy of Internationalizing Education Overall Strength Neural Network
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