
欧洲社会保障制度的改革动态与发展趋势 被引量:7

The Current Trend of Social Policy Reform in European Countries
摘要 20世纪70年代中期以后,支撑着欧洲传统福利国家的资本主义经济、社会、政治结构发生了很大变化,工作福利与社会投资论等劳动型社会保障政策和保障基本收入等非劳动型社会保障政策开始实行,传统福利国家走向衰退。工作福利与社会投资论强调加强劳动与福利之间的联系,而基本收入论则相反,它们围绕劳动与生产的理念差距形成了对策上的对立结构。虽然这些制度在联系劳动与福利的关系上是对立的,但在通过福利国家达成社会统合目标的过程中,有可能会相互融合,以达到新福利国家政策的愿景。 Since the mid-1970s,there has been a fundamental change in economic,social,and political structure,which maintains the traditional welfare capitalism in European countries.Along with social policy reform introducing labor-centered social policy such as workfare,social investment and non-labor-centered social policy such as basic income,the traditional welfare state has been dismantled.Workfare,social investment emphasizes the strong relationship between labor and welfare,whilst basic income conversely bears little relationship between the two.The contrasting difference of these programs in the idea surrounding the relationship between labor and welfare has brought about confrontational structure in its policy formation.Although these programs are confronted with relationship between labor and welfare,they might be mutually integrated in the process of achieving the goal of social integration and accomplishing the ideal picture of the welfare state.
作者 金炳彻
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期31-37,共7页 Journal of Renmin University of China
关键词 欧洲社会保障变革 工作福利 社会投资 基本收入保障 social policy reform in European countries workfare social investment basic income
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