研究了110 kV及以上变电站采用变压器套管末屏安装低压臂分压器、GIS(断路器)装设手孔分压器的暂态过电压直接监测方法;采用电流传感器测量套管及避雷器等设备的接地回路暂态电流,采用光电集成电场传感器测量设备周围的电场,进而还原过电压幅值及波形的间接监测方法。重点开展了测量装置设计与研制、测量系统准确度校准、实验室与现场测量等工作,论证了各种监测方法的有效性和可行性,为今后变电站过电压监测的工程实践提供理论依据及指导。
The paper studies a transient over-voltage online monitoring method using low-voltage divider mounted on the bushing tap of transformer and hand-hole divider mounted on GIS(circuit breaker).The transient current in ground circuit of bushing and MOA. electric field around equipment which is measured using optoelectronic electric field sensor are measured to reproduce the amplitude value and waveform of transient over-voltage.The design and development of measurement device.calibration of measurement system and test in field and lab is carried out.The effectiveness and feasibility of various monitoring methods is demonstrated in this paper. The studies provide the theoretical basis of engineering practice and guidance to over-voltage monitoring in substation in the future.
Shanxi Electric Power