为从技术层面上提高反狙击能力,通过分析狙击步枪瞄准镜的反射特性,利用线阵CCD捕捉瞄准镜回波信号研制出主动式狙击手光电探测仪。介绍了探测仪的主要指标参数,并模拟实际使用环境验证了其探测效果。试验结果表明:在城市作战中狙击手通常伏击的距离为20 m^200 m,探测仪可准确探测微光瞄准镜及口径为32 mm、40 mm、42 mm和50 mm的白光瞄准镜,且不受镜子和手电筒凹面镜等反射体干扰,但对加装蜂窝板的瞄准镜,当距离大于80 m后无法可靠探测。
An active laser-illuminating sniper detector based on cat eye effect is developed.According to actual circumstances,some tests were conducted to verify the detection performance of the detector.Testing results show that night-vision sight and telescope sights with objective aperture diameters of 32 mm,40 mm,42 mm and 50 mm can be effectively detected by the detector in the range of 20 m to 200 m,which is typical for snipers.The detector is not interfered by mirror,concave mirror of flashlight or similar reflectors.However,a telescope sight with honeycomb panel can not be reliably identified when the detection distance is over approximate 80 m,and thermal weapon sight can not be detected either.
Journal of Applied Optics