目的探讨高危型人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma-virus,HPV)16/18型感染与宫颈癌的关系。方法应用实时荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)检测176例宫颈癌患者及218例宫颈炎症患者的宫颈分泌物,计算两组HPV16/18型阳性率及各组中HPV-DNA病毒载量拷贝对数值。结果宫颈癌患者组HPV16/18型阳性率78.41%(138/176),宫颈炎患者组HPV16/18型阳性率29.82%(65/218),两组阳性率经χ2检验,有显著性差异(χ2=92.06,P<0.01);病毒载量前者也显著高于后者(t=2.42,P<0.01)。结论 HPV16/18型病毒感染与宫颈癌关系密切,实时荧光定量PCR检测可以早期发现、早期治疗,是预防宫颈癌的有效手段。
Aim To carcinoma. Methods investigate the corelation human papilloma-virus (HPV) 16/18 virus infection and cervical FQ-PCR was used to detect cervical secretions of 176 cervical carcinoma patients and 218 patients with cervical inflammation,and calculate positive rate and the logarithm of the copy of HPV-DNA virus in both group. Results The postive rate of HPV16/18 in cervical carcinoma patients was 78.41% (138/176),and it was 29.82% (65/218 )in patients with cervical inflammation, showing significant difference (Х^2 =92.06, P〈0.01 ).The number of eopy of virus in cervical carcinoma patents was higher than another group (t=2.38,P〈0.01). Conclusion HPV 16/18 virus infection is assoicated with cervical carcinoma, and FQ-PCR is a usefull tool for early diagnosis of the disease.
China Tropical Medicine