目的探讨生长激素对大面积烧伤病人蛋白质代谢、创面愈合能力、免疫功能及预后的作用。方法选择42例大面积烧伤病人,随机分为重组人生长激素(rhGH)治疗组和对照组,并分析比较两组一般状况、蛋白质代谢、创面愈合时间、免疫功能。结果 rhGH 组一般情况良好,体重增加,血浆蛋白质水平、供皮区愈合时间及体液和细胞免疫功能均比对照组好。结论 rhGH 能有效促进蛋白质合成,缩短创面愈合时间,增强机体免疫能力,从而提高大面积烧伤病人生存率。
Objective To determine the effects of rhGH on wound healing in adult burn patients. Methods 42 patients with burn wounds covering over 83% of total body surface area were enrolled in this placebo controlled prospective study.They were comparable in nutrient intake,TBSA,and full thick- ness burn area.For rhGH group patients rhGH subcutaneously was given in the dose of 0.2U·kg^(-1) at 8 a. m.each morning for 14 days.The control group patients were given normal saline as placebo.Protein catabolism,immuncompetence,healing time of burn wounds and donor sites were assayed.Results ① The patients in rhGH group had higher serum levels in albumin,transferrin,prealbumin and CD_4 T-cells(P <0.01).②The healing time of autologous skin grafting and donor site and the length of hospital stay were significantly shorter in rhGH group patients compared with control group.Conclusion rhGH could enhance the wound healing rate,improve protein anabolism and reduce the length of hospital stay in severe burn patients.