The Communist Party of China has experienced three ruling stages including the local rule m some revolutionary base areas, nation-wide rule in the transition period, and the nation-wide rule in a socialist society. Due to the long time practice from local rule to nation-wide rule, the Party has basic ruling experience as follows: paying great attention to popular sentiment, democracy and people' s livelihood; doing a good job in economic building, democratic political building, and legal building, with continuous advancement from rule in itself to rule with consciousness; correctively handling the significant relationships between the ruling party and the regime, be- tween the ruling party and the participating parties, between the ruling party and the society ( the people) , between the ruling party and the law; enhancing the party' s ruling capacity building and vanguard nature building. The historical task undertaking by the CPC may be understood in three aspects.
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
the Communist Party of China
rule with eonsciousness
raling capability building
vanguard na- ture building