目的:研究四逆散冻干粉改善果蝇睡眠作用的量-效与时-效关系。方法:选取野生型Canton S品系黑腹果蝇为试验对象,利用自动红外果蝇活动监测系统,以果蝇24 h总睡眠时间为观察指标,分别进行四逆散冻干粉改善睡眠作用的量-效与时-效关系的研究。结果:雌雄果蝇的24 h总睡眠时间随着给药剂量的增加而增加,具有一定的剂量依赖关系,雌果蝇的最大有效剂量是4%,而雄果蝇的最大有效剂量为2%,雌果蝇连续给药4 d果蝇24 h总睡眠时间最长,而雄果蝇连续给药7 d,其24 h总睡眠时间最长。结论:四逆散冻干粉能促进果蝇的睡眠,但对雌、雄果蝇睡眠的影响程度不同。雌果蝇给药高浓度短时间效果较好,雄果蝇给药低浓度长时间效果好。
Objective: This paper aims to identify the relation of the dose-effect and time-effect of freezingdried powder of Sinisan for sleep improvement.Method: We selected the 7-day-old wild-type Canton S Drosophila melanogaster,and used an Infrared Drosophila Activity Monitor System(DAMS;Trikinetics Inc.USA) to record sleep state of them.We observed and analyzed the recording data for continuous 24 hr.Then we studied the doseeffect and time-effect of Freezing dried powder of Sinisan in Drosophila sleep improvement.Result: 24 hour total sleep time of Drosophila increased as dose increased,it had a definite dose-effect.4% drug substratum for dose,4 days for delivery time is best for female,and 2% drug substratum for dose,7 days for delivery time is best for male.Conclusion: Freezing dried powder of Sinisan can promote the Drosophila sleep,but there are different influence degree in male and female Drosophila.Administration of high concentrations and short-term is best fo female,and low concentrations and long-term is best for male.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae