Stewing Old Duck is a popular novel of the late Qing Dynasty the present author recently discovered,a rare book not collected in libraries at home and abroad.Based on the case study of this book,this paper elaborates how a novel narratews with illustrations and what makes illustrations possible.Illustrations in Stewing Old Duck were made not only to attract readers' attention and bring them aesthetic pleasure,but also to help readers skim for the basic content of the novel and make quick decisions for purchase.Spatial painting in Stewing Old Duck used the following narrative strategies to break through temporal bound: the continuity of pictures,explanation for pictures,selection of time points,psychological narration,and plot transformation.Pictures in the novel are not the representation of scenes of the novel,but rather the author's reconstruction process.The intertextuality between the text and the illustrations lies in the fact that words and graphic are both symbols,which accounts for their being isomorphic and complementary to each other.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition