
从艾利奥特学术思想发展历程看北美音乐教育哲学思想之变迁 被引量:6

Follow,Question,Criticize,Construct and Reflect-Philosophical Change of Music Education in North America Viewed From the Development of David J.Elliott' Academic Thought
摘要 戴维·艾利奥特是20世纪末以来北美音乐教育领域中极富争议的焦点人物。他对自己的老师雷默所倡导的美国审美哲学("音乐教育即审美教育")进行批判,并建构了实践音乐教育哲学体系,引发了北美乃至世界音乐教育领域的学术争鸣。本文从艾利奥特的成长背景入手,探索其学术思想成长的五个阶段:1、20世纪80年代初期,青年时期的艾利奥特是雷默审美哲学思想的忠实追随者。2、80年代中期至末期,开始质疑审美哲学的理论基础,并进行不完全批判。3、1990-1994年,开始对审美哲学进行针锋相对的批判,逐步构想自己的实践哲学蓝图。4、1995年,其代表作《音乐的种种问题:一种新的音乐教育哲学》出版,标志着实践音乐教育哲学的体系化建构,并重点介绍了该哲学的实践观、知识观和文化观。5、实践哲学与审美哲学的对峙,引发了欧美音乐教育领域的学术争鸣,面对众说纷纭的哲学话语,艾利奥特不断反思,发展与完善自己的实践哲学体系。最后,就艾利奥特的实践音乐教育哲学思想形成的历程提出了自己的见解。 David J.Elliott,is a disputed scholar in the field of North America since the late twentith century who criticized aesthetic philosophy of music education(MEAE,Music Education as Aesthetic Education) advocated by his advisor-Bennett Reimer,and constructed Praxial Philosophy of Music Education,led to academic contention in the field of music education in North America and around the world.This paper begins with Elliott' growth experience and training backgrounds,then explores five phases of his academic thought development:1.youth Elliott was faithful follower of MEAE in the early 80 twentith century;2.Elliott began to questioned rationale foundation of aesthetic philosophy and challeged it tentatively from the midst 80s to late 80s;3.Between 1990-1994 Elliott criticized aesthetic philosophy rushly and graduately designed own picture of praxial philosophy ;4.Music Matters:A New Philosophy of Music Education was published in 1995.it is a indicative of system construction of praxial philosophy of music education.This paper emphasized his praxial,knowledge and cultural ideas;5.Conflicting praxial philosophy and aesthetic philosophy aroused academic debate about music education in Europe and America,so Elliott reflected constantly and pefected his praxial philosophy system.In the end some suggestions are provided in the sight of development process for Elliott to form his praxial philosophy.
作者 郭小利
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期166-171,共6页 Hundred Schools In Arts
关键词 艾利奥特 北美地区 音乐教育实践 音乐教育哲学 形成 发展 变迁 研究 David J.Elliott Praxial Philosophy Music Education Ideas Formation Change
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