目的:了解子长县重点人群的碘营养状况,掌握全县居民碘盐普及情况,以及食用碘盐后的变化情况.为今后降低地方性甲状腺肿的发病率,消除碘缺乏病提供可靠的科学依据.方法:采用人口比例概率抽样法[pps]在全县抽取9个乡镇、36个行政村、288户、288份食用盐、盐碘监测采用GB/T130.25.7-1999直接滴定法.在9个碘盐监测乡镇中,随机抽取5所小学,采用触诊法按地方性甲状腺肿大的诊断标准[WS-2007-207]检查210名8-10岁儿童的甲状腺,质量保障,组织参加人员进行组织培训和技术培训,统一技术标准.在另外5个所乡镇小学随机抽100名8-10岁儿童采集晨尿检测.结果:碘盐覆盖率100%、碘盐合格率98.61%,甲肿率3.81%,尿碘,〈100ug/l占2%,〉200ug/l占68%,中位数240ug/l,男性中位数211.45,女性中位数258ug/l.均数232.2ug/l,男均数225.2,女均数247.6,8岁中位数216.67,9岁中位数220.00,10岁中位数263.33,男女均数之间差别t=1.898〈0.05,p〉o.o5,男,女均数之间差别无统计学意义.男女中位数差别X2=4 〉3.84〉0.05 p〈0.05,所以男女中位数差别有统计学意义.结论:通过监测抽查,子长县人群总体碘营养状况良好.碘摄入量可以满足机体需要.但部分人群碘水平低,应加强健康教育的力度,使群众能长期食用合格碘盐.尿碘中位数240ug/l尿碘大于100-200ug/l标准达68%,表明碘摄入量超过量达68%.应进一步调查原因,或适当控制碘摄入量,或改变饮食结构,调节不良饮食习惯.
Objective:Analysis on iodine nutritional status of the focal population of Zichang county, check the use of iodized salt. Methods:9 towns are selected,including 36 villages by the pps (Probability Proportion to Size) methods,288 sets of edible salt. 5 towns are selected from the 9 towns where the iodized salt have been surveyed randomly. Select one primary school from each of the five town. The thyroid glands of the 210 children between 8 and 20 years old are checked. In the other 5 towns,5 primary schools are selected randomly. Urine morning of the 100 children between 8 and 10 years old are checked. Result:The used ratio of iodized salt is 100% ,the percent of pass of iodized salt is 98.61% ,its defective percent is 1.39%, the prevalence of goiter is 3.81%,〈2% of the children's urine iodine are lower than 100ug/1,68% are higher than 200ug/l ,the median of the results is 240ug/l,the mean is(232.2±82.44). Conclusion:Totality,the overwhelming majority of Zichang county don't have iodine deficiency, a few people lack iodine,and they need more health education. People whose extra urine iodine are higher than 68% have to reduce their iodine intake and its reason should be further investigated.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
Lodine Nutrition Urine