
同时产甲烷化反硝化系统中丙酸转化能力的研究 被引量:4

摘要 厌氧丙酸积累造成的酸败问题一直是制约厌氧反应器稳定运行的重要因素之一。通过建立同时产甲烷反硝化功能的厌氧反应系统,来研究该系统对丙酸转化的能力。试验结果表明:在同时产甲烷化反硝化功能的厌氧反应器中加入10 mmol/L丙酸,该系统能够继续保持稳定运行,COD去除率可达95.5%左右,丙酸去除率达96%以上;而加入丙酸的对照组中,出水COD去除率下降到10%以下,对于丙酸几乎没有任何降解。同时,在实际的UASB厌氧"酸败"反应器中,以ρ(COD)/ρ(NO3-N)=12.5∶1投加硝酸盐能较快降低水中VFA的浓度,使反应器得到快速恢复。 Rancidity,which results to propionic acid accumulation,is one of the important factors of stable operation of an anaerobic reactor.In this study,a anaerobic simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis system was run successfully,then its propionic acid transformation ability was studied.The results showed that the anaerobic simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis system could run stably with the addition of 10 mmol /L propionic acid,and the removal rate of COD of the sytstem could be up to 95.5%,and the removal rate of propionic acid could reach 96%;but in control treatment,the same additon of propionic acid destroyed the anerobic system,and the removal rate of COD decreased below 10%,the propionic acid wasn’t degraded at all.In a pratical UASB reactor with rancidity,the additon of nitrate with ρ(COD): ρ(NO 3^--N) = 12.5∶ 1 could decrease the concentration of VFA in the system,and restore the system in a short time.
出处 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期25-28,87,共5页 Environmental Engineering
基金 国家科技部科技支撑项目(2008BAD961305) 江苏省省级环保科技项目(2009001)
关键词 同时产甲烷化反硝化 酸败 丙酸转化 simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification rancidity propoinic acid transformation
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