The disc-shaped glassy melt of the ferrite sample for XRFS analysis was prepared by fusion with lithium tetraborate in a Pt-Au crucible and shaped in a Pt-Au mould.Major components of the ferrite,including ferric oxide,mangano-manganic oxide(Mn2O3·MnO) and zinc oxide were determined by XRFS with the disc-shaped sample.The optimum mass ratio of the flux(Li2B4O7) to sample was found to be 17.5 to 1.Interferences due to matrix effect and spectral overlapping were eliminated by correction with the methods of fundamental parameters and theoratical α-coefficients.The proposed method was used in the analysis of unknown samples and known samples for the contents of the 3 main components.Absolute deviations between the results found by this method and the certified values of the standard samples were found in the range from-0.15% to 0.02%.Values of intraday and interday RSD′s(n=7) found were less than 3.5% and 4.0% respectively.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)