Water_bearing cuspidine, a very rare mineral, was discovered by the authors in calcic skarn of the exocontact zone between Late Yanshanian granite and Triassic limestone in the Gejiu tin deposit, Yunnan Province. Its mineralogical characteristics, paragenesis, chemical composition, optical features, X_ray powder diffraction data, infrared absorption spectroscopy and thermal analysis were studied systematically. Associated with andradite, B_vesuvianite, diopside, datolite, fluorite, wollastonite and nordenskioldine, the mineral is characterized by clear polysynthetic twin, strong dispersion of refractive index and optic axial angle. Its optical properties are N g=1.604, N m=1.595, N p=1.592, N g- N p=0.012, (+)2 V =62°, c∧ N g=6.5° . Electron microprobe and chemical analyses of the mineral give SiO 2 30.64%, TiO 2 0.04% , Al 2O 3 0.01%, Cr 2O 3 0.06%, FeO 0.02%, CaO 55.61%, MgO 0.09%, MnO 0.14% , Na 2O 0.02%, H 2O + 4.55%, F 8.63%, B 2O 3 0.59%, and CO 2 1.43%, with the calculated empirical formula being (Ca 3.979 Mg 0.009 Mn 0.008 Na 0.003 Fe 2+ 0.001 ) 4(Si 2.046 B 0.068 Cr 0.003 Ti 0.002 Al 0.001 ) 2.120 O 7 (F 1.823 OH 0.322 ) 2.145 (CO 3) 0.130 · 0.854 H 2O. The unit cell parameters are a 0=10.94, b 0=10.50, c 0=7.623, β =110.42°. Infrared absorption spectral analysis suggests that there exists stretch_back vibration of OH at 3560cm -1 . Thermogravimetric analysis shows that the loss for H 2O is about 2.8% and about 1.6% for OH -. The authors consider that water_bearing cuspidine was formed in the hypabyssal exoskarn zone, being a product of contact metasomatism under the active role of F(B)_rich fluids. It was for the first time that water_bearing cuspidine was discovered in China.
Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica
water_bearing cuspidine
mineralogical characteristics
Gejiu tin deposit