目的了解2009年河南省长葛市手足口病流行病学特征,探索恰当、正确的应对措施。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对长葛市手足口病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 2009年共报告手足口病1227例,其中重症病例85例,死亡2例,因合并脑炎致残2例,实验室诊断病例75例,肠道病毒71(EV71)占68%。年发病率为185.23/10万,死亡率为0.30/10万,病死率、病残率均为0.16%。3-8月病例数占全年总病例数的94.46%。报告病例中≤3岁儿童占86.06%,疫情波及范围广,同时又有一定的聚集性。手足口病患者可同时感染多种肠道病毒,一年内可多次发病。普通病例与重症病例病原体检出率无差异,但重症病例EV71感染率较高。结论 2009年长葛市手足口病流行以EV71感染为主,春夏季高发,发病以散居婴幼儿为主。加强疫情监测,开展健康教育和健康促进工作是控制手足口病经济、有效的措施。
Objective To learn about epidemiological characteristics of hand foot and mouth disease(HFMD) in Changge in 2009,and explore appropriate and correct response measures.Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on HFMD epidemic data in Changge.Results A total of 1227 HFMD cases were reported in 2009,including 85 severe cases and 2 deaths.Two cases of disability occurred due to the complicated encephalitis.Seventy five cases were laboratory confirmed,the cases caused by enterovirus 71(EV71) infection accounted for 68%.The annual morbidity was 185.23/lakh and the mortality was 0.30/lakh,case fatality and disable rate were 0.16%.The cases occurred during March-August accounted for 94.46% of the total.The cases of children aged3 years accounted for 86.06% of the total.The disease spread widely,but with some clustering.The HFMD patients might be infected with several intestinal virus and suffered from the disease for several times in the year.No difference was found on the detection rate of pathogens for all cases,but the detection rate of EV71 was higher among severe cases.Conclusion In 2009,most HFMD cases were caused by EV71 infection in Changge.The disease mainly occurred in spring and summer,the majority of the cases were infants and young children outside child care settings.It is necessary to strengthen the disease surveillance,health education and health promotion to prevent and control HFMD.
Disease Surveillance