用离子浓度分别为0 mol/L、5 mol/L、10 mol/L、20 mol/L、30 mol/L、50 mol/L、100 mol/L的Pb2+、Cd2+处理液分别处理经过珍珠岩栽培后又在1/2 Hoagland培养液进行培养的白菜幼苗,10 d后对其叶片的保护酶SOD、POD、CAT的活性及细胞膜透性进行测定.结果显示:低浓度Pb2+、Cd2+胁迫下,SOD、POD及CAT活性均高于对照.当Cd2+浓度分别为20 mol/L、30 mol/L、10 mol/L时,SOD、POD及CAT活性最高,随着Cd2+浓度逐渐升高,SOD、POD及CAT活性随之降低.当Pb2+浓度分别为30 mol/L、50 mol/L、20 mol/L时,SOD、POD及CAT活性最高,随着Pb2+浓度逐渐升高,SOD、POD及CAT活性随之降低.在Pb2+、Cd2+胁迫下,随着Pb2+、Cd2+浓度的升高,白菜叶片细胞膜透性(CMP)显著升高.并且,白菜幼苗对Pb2+胁迫的抗性要大于对Cd2+胁迫的抗性.
The activities of SOD, POD, CAT and CMP in leaf of cabbage seedling were analysed after the treatment by Pb^2+ ,Cd^2+ solution of 0 mol /L, 5 mol /L,10 mol /L,20 mol /L,30 mol /L,50 mol /L,100 mol/L. The results indicated that Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ is capable of stimulating SOD,POD and CAT activities at low Pb^2+ and Cd^2+ treatments. When Cd^2+ treatments were 20 mol /L,30 mol /L and 10 mol /L,SOD, POD and CAT activities were the highest. With the increase of Cd^2+ treatments SOD,POD and CAT activities declined. When Pb^2+ treatments were 30 mol/L,50 mol/L and 20 mol/L,SOD,POD and CAT activities were the highest. Then with the increase of Pb^2+ treatments SOD, POD and CAT activities declined. With the increase of Cd^2+ and Pb^2+ concentrations Cellular Membrane penetration would increase drastically. The toleration of cabbage seedling to Pb^2+ was larger than Cd^2+.
Journal of Dezhou University