

Research on the Change and Significance of Troponin before and after Exercise
摘要 肌钙蛋白作为骨骼肌和心肌损伤的特异性标志物越发受到运动医学界的重视,测定运动后血液中肌钙蛋白浓度,可以为运动处方的制定提供依据。从运动过程中肌钙蛋白的变化与运动训练的关系方面进行综述,旨在为运动训练工作者及时了解相关知识动态并有效制定训练计划提供参考。 AS a specific, sensitive maker for skeletal muscle damage and myocardial damage, troponin is more and more attached importance to the field of sport medicine. The specific changes after exercise of troponin in blood may be the basis of sport plan. Sugary on the relation between the change of troponin before or after exercise and the sport training can offer sport training workers more information.
出处 《军事体育进修学院学报》 2010年第3期123-125,共3页 Journal of Pla Institute of Physical Education
关键词 运动 肌钙蛋白 exercise troponin
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