
华罗庚与爱因斯坦相对论及其扩展——纪念华罗庚诞辰一百周年 被引量:3

Hua Luo-geng(Hua,L.K.) and Einstein's special relativity with its extensions——In memory of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hua Luo-geng
摘要 华罗庚先生运用矩阵几何与投影几何,研究并简化了爱因斯坦狭义相对论的基本原理,得到惯性运动的对称性,并促进了对德西特不变的狭义相对论的研究.他的深入考察至今仍引领着我们如何面对精确宇宙学的挑战.爱因斯坦相对论作为以宇宙常数Λ>0为特征的宇观物理学的基础面临疑难.相对性原理应该扩充到具有两个不变普适常数c和l,具有24个生成元的惯性运动对称性的相对性原理.于是,存在庞加莱、德西特和反德西特不变的3种相对论,伴随着对偶庞加莱运动学,它们构成相对论三位一体.取l=R 3/Λ,德西特相对论提供宇观尺度之新运动学,亦可避开相对性的宇宙佯谬.华老不仅是大数学家,而且是大思想家和大教育家,是一位为复兴中华民族而奉献终身的伟大代表. By means of matrix geometry and projective geometry,Hua Luo-geng studied and simplified the principles of Einstein's special relativity,found the symmetry of inertial motion and promoted the research on de Sitter invariant special relativity.His very deep considerations on these issues have guided us till now how to face the challenges from precise cosmology for Einstein's theory of relativity as foundation of cosmic physics characterized by the cosmological constant Λ0. The principle of relativity should further be generalized to the principle of relativity of two universal constants c and l with symmetry of inertial motion of 24 generators.Then there are three kinds of special relativity of Poincaré,de Sitter and anti-de Sitter invariance,respectively.They form a special relativity triple associated with a dual Poincaré invariant degenerated kinematics.The de Sitter special relativity of l=R≈3/Λ presents a new kinematics at cosmic scale and gets ride of relativity's cosmic puzzle.Hua is not only a great mathematician,but also a great thinker, great educator and one of great representatives of modernization in China.
作者 郭汉英
出处 《大学物理》 北大核心 2010年第8期1-10,28,共11页 College Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(10701081 10975167)资助
关键词 华罗庚 爱因斯坦 狭义相对论 惯性运动群 德西特狭义相对论 L.G.Hua(L.K.Hua) Einstein special relativity inertial motion group de Sitter special relativity
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