The distinguishing characteristic of helical CT technology is thecontinuous movement of the patient on the table through the gantry as the x-raytube rotates around the patient. By inventing slip-ring gantry system, spiralcomputed tomography (CT) was introduced into clinical practice in 1989, it has gainedwidespread acceptance and has been applied successfully to all areas of the body.Because of producing a volumetric data set, helical CT results in less respiratorymisregistration and allows overlapping reconstructions, which improve the Z-axisresolution. The advantage of helical CT over single-section CT is faster acquisitionof a volumetric data set, resulting in shorter examination time. Motion andmisregistration artifacts are minimized, and high-quality reconstruction imagescan be obtaained in many instances, additional scanning after the initialacquisition is avoided by the ability to retrospectively generate overlappinginterscan images from the original data. These advantages are particularly relevantin acutely ill, multiple-trauma victims and children who require rapid and accurateimaging assessment. It has enabled new application such as CT angiography (CTA) andthree dimensional (3D) CTA.
Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications