
基于灰色群体决策的对地多目标攻击研究 被引量:5

Research on Group Decision-making of Grey Analytical Method Based of Air-to-Ground Multi-target Combat
摘要 针对地多目标攻击时,目标威胁度评估可以为武器资源的有效配置提供依据。由于威胁评估和多属性决策的特点,为准确识别目标,运用灰色群体决策理论对目标威胁度评估进行研究。建立基于灰色群体决策理论的对地多目标攻击决策模型,使对地攻击决策问题转化为对目标威胁度的求解,通过求解模型即可获得目标威胁度的排序。然后根据协同优先权对多机对地多目标攻击进行目标分配和攻击排序。最后通过仿真表明模型的合理性和有效性,从而为对地多目标攻击提供一种有效的决策方法。 In the air-to-ground multi-target combat,threat assessment is of great importance to effective assignment of weapon system.On the basis of characteristics of multiple attribute decision and the threat assessment,a model for air-to-ground multi-target attack decision was proposed based on the theory of grey group decision-making.The target choice and the attack sequence at the air-to-ground multi-target combat can be obtained by using the model.And the target choice and the attack sequence were processed based on the cooperative priority of air-to-ground multi-target attack.The researching result shows that the threat level assessment model based on grey group decision-making is an effective assessing method and provides an effective method for air-to-ground multi-target combat.
作者 鲁华 周德云
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期44-47,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 多目标攻击 群体决策 威胁评估 决策系统 Multi-target attack Group decision-making Threat assessment Decision system
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