Objective To settle anatomic basis for the selection of padding materials inarthroplasty of the elbow Methods On 40 arm specimens infused with dye through arteries,the blood suply and distribution branch vessels,the length of vessel pedicles and the excisingarea of fascial flaps were observed anatomically in the fascia of interior and exterior arms, aswell as in the fascia of posterior foreanns. Results When the fascial flaps of the interior armsand the ulnar recurrent were taken for pedicles for elbow arthroplasty, the length ofvessel pedicle was (4.0±1.0)cm and the possible excising area could be 12cm ×5cm. When thethe fascial flaps of the exterior arms and the ratal recurrent artery were tsken, the length was(3.2 ± 1.3)cm, and the area could be 12cm × 5cm. And when the fascial flaPS of posteriorforearm and the posterior interosseous artery were taken, the length was (3.2 ± 1.3)cm, and thearea could be 13cm×5cm. Thee fascial flaps possessed long vessel pedicles with abundance ofblood supply, for available exdsing area and dense and tenacious texture.Conclusions Suchfascial flaps with vessel pedicles can be used as padding materials in elbow arthroplasty.
Chinese Journal of Trauma