目的:采用紫外分光光度法测定维生素B1片中维生素B1 的含量并对该方法进行验证.方法:用紫外分光光度法在246nm处测定吸光度,并用百分吸收系数法和对照品比较法计算.结果:用紫外分光光度法测定维生素B1 含量的方法专属性好;当维生素B1 浓度在7.5~17.5μg/ml范围时线性关系良好,回归方程为Y=0.0411X+0.0094,线性相关系数r=1;平均回收率为99.60%,RSD=0.45%;精密度为0.76%;用百分吸收系数法计算平均标示量为101.7%,用对照品比较法计算平均标示量为104.3%.结论:用紫外分光光度法测定维生素B1片中维生素B1的含量操作简便、快速、准确、精密度好.
Objective:Uses ultraviolet spectrophotometric method determination Vitamin B 1 piece of Vitamin B 1 content and carries on the confirmation to this method. Methods:With the ultraviolet spectrophotometric method in the 246nm place determination extinction, and absorbs the method of correlates and the comparison comparison test computation with the percentage. Results: Determines the Vitamin B 1 content with the ultraviolet spectrophotometric method the method specificity to be good;When Vitamin ]3 ; density when 7. 5-17. 5 μg/ml scopes the linear relations is good, the regression equation is Y= 0.041 1+ 0. 0094, linear correlation coefficient r= 1 . The average returns-ratio is 99.60%, RSD=0. 45 % ; The accu- racy is 0.76% ;Absorbs the method of correlates computation average indication quantity with the percentage is 101.70%, with the comparison comparison test computation average indication quantity is 104.3%. Conclusion:Determines Vitamin B with the ultraviolet spectrophotometric method 1 piece of Vitamin B 1 content operation simple,fast,accurate,the accuracy good.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method Vitamin B 1 Content determination