目的:了解急救科室(急诊科和ICU)与普通科室(除急诊科、ICU、CCU、麻醉科外的临床科室)的医务人员心肺复苏(CPR)知识、技能掌握情况,研究两组有无差别及应用反馈装置能否提高胸外按压质量。方法:从急救科室与普通科室医生、护士群体中各随机抽取20名(共80名),对其进行CPR知识计分并记录应用反馈装置前后两轮均历时3 min的胸外按压参数,统计并比较上述4个群体CPR知识、质量情况及应用反馈装置前后CPR质量变化情况。结果:急救科室的医生、护士的CPR知识得分、有效按压率明显高于普通科室,应用反馈装置后普通科室的医生、护士CPR有效按压率明显提高。结论:普通科室医务人员CPR知识和技能掌握情况欠理想,急救科室的情况要好些。胸外按压操作时应用一种反馈提示装置可提高医务人员尤其是普通科室医务人员的的CPR质量。
Objective: To compare the CPR knowledge and skills of medical staff from emergency department and general departments,and how can a feedback device improve the quality of chest compressions.Methods: Randomly select 20 from groups of physicians, nurses of emergency department and general department respectively. Score their knowledge about CPR and record the parameters of 3 minutes chest compression before and after the application of a feedback device.Results:Physicians and nurses from general departments have lower CPR knowledge scores and valid compression ratio than their colleges from emergency departments, and the valid compression ratio was significantly improved after the application of a feedback device.Conclusion:The CPR knowledge and skills of medical staff are not as good as we assumed, especially as that from general department as concerned. As found in this study, a feedback device can improve the quality of chest compression.
Lingnan Journal of Emergency Medicine
in-hospital cardiac arrest
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
medical staff