目的分析支气管肺类癌的CT表现,探讨其CT征象。方法收集本院CT检查及病理证实的支气管肺类癌5例,结合文献回顾性分析其数目、部位、大小、形态、边界、密度、强化特征及与支气管的关系等CT表现。结果 5例均为单发,其中左上肺2例,左下肺2例,右下肺1例;中央型2例,均伴有阻塞性肺不张,周围型3例;肿块直径2.0 cm×2.6 cm~4.6 cm×6.6 cm,平均直径约3.6 cm;肿块平扫密度均匀,平均CT值为35 HU,增强后明显或中度强化,CT值平均上升21.3 HU;1例伴有肺门及纵隔淋巴结肿大。结论年龄较轻、肿块密度均匀、边缘光整、中等或明显强化及与支气管关系密切等CT表现提示支气管肺类癌可能。
Objective To investigate the CT findings of bronchial carcinoid tumors(BCT).Methods The clinical manifestation,CT findings and pathological features of 5 patients with bronchial carcinoid tumors(2 men and 3 women,aged 45-51y) were retrospectively analyzed.Results No one case presented with carcinoid syndrome clinically.There were 2 typical and 3 atypical BCT presenting a solitary soft-tissue mass or nodule with an average diameter of 3.6cm,BCTs were central in 2 cases and peripheral in 3.The lesions showed isointensity in plain CT scan and uneven enhancement in contrast-enhanced imaging.One case displayed mediastinal and pulmonary hilus lymphatic metastasis.Conclusion The CT findings show some characteristic features of BCT and are of diagnostic value.
Journal of Practical Oncology