
不同时间限制下分值对学习时间分配的影响 被引量:10

The Effect of Points on the Allocation of Study Time Under Different Time Limits
摘要 本研究采用3×3被试内实验设计探讨在不同时间限制下分值外在收益对学习时间分配的影响。一屏内同时呈现3种不同分值的学习项目,被试自由选择学习各项目,随后完成回忆任务。实验结果表明(1)分值对学习时间分配有显著的影响,即随着项目分值增加,分配的学习时间也显著提高;外在收益对学习时间分配的作用还会受到时间限制这一因素的调节,在没有时间限制的情况下,外在收益对学习时间分配的影响减弱。(2)虽然人们优先学习高分值项目并且把学习时间更多地分配在高分值项目上这种学习时间分配策略是有效的,但在低分值项目上,人们分配的学习时间与其收益不成比例,仍表现出一定程度上的努力无效效应。 This study explored the effect of the points (one type of awarded gain )on the allocation of study time when subjects learned under or withont time pressure time pressure. Three items awarded different points were presented on one screen and each of them could be selected freely by participants to study. The results indicated: (a) study time increased with the points awarded for each item; (b) time pressure modulated the effect of points on the allocation of study time; when there was no time pressure, the effect of the awarded gain was limited; (c) though it was good for the subject to allocate more time to the items awarded higher points and study from the item awarded higher points to that awarded lower points, there was still alabor-in-vain effect for the items awarded the lowest points under time pressure conditions.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期815-818,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 中国科技部973项目(2006CB303101) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目(90820305) 北京交通大学校科技基金(2007XM069)和北京交通大学学生思想政治教育课题经费支持
关键词 分值 时间限制 学习时间分配 努力无效效应 points, time pressure, allocation of study time, labor-in-vain effect
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