目的分析62株耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)多重耐药性及检测MRSA所带的mecA基因,以指导临床合理用药。方法药物敏感试验采用K—B法;MRSA的mecA基因检测采用PCR扩增法。结果62株MRSA呈现多重耐药性,仅万古霉素、替考拉宁、利奈唑烷没有出现耐药,其它耐药率由高到低依次为:青霉素100%、红霉素90.33%、环丙沙星90.16%、庆大霉素83.6I%、左氧氟沙星78.58%、克林霉素75.41%、复方磺胺58.07%、四环素38.71%、氯霉素22.95%。8株MRSA都检测到mecA基因,大约在533bp位置产生了相同的条带。结论mecA基因系MRSA所特有,它的存在使MRSA呈现多重耐药性,应引起广大医务人员的高度重视。
Objective To analyze 62 strains of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)and the mecA gene of MRSA which are from ICU,in order to guide the rational using of drugs. Methods the drug sensitivity test is carried out by the K - B method;we use Whonet5.3 software for data analysis;PCR amplification is used to detect the mecA gene of 8 strsins MRSA from the ICU. Results the vancocin, Teicoplanin, and linezoid are free of the multidrug resistant of MRSA. The resule of the drug sensitivity test are as fellows :tetracycline(38.71% ) ,levofloxacin (78.58%) ,gentamicin ( 83.61% ) , compound Sulfanilamide ( 58.07% ) , ciprofloxacin ( 90. 16 ) , Chloramphenicol (22.95%) ,Benzylpenicillin ( 100% ) ,Erythromycin (90.35%) ,Clindamycin (75.41%). The PCR amplifications of 8 strains of MRSA show the similiar straps at 533bp after electrophoresis and the only difference is just the contents. It demonstrates that the examples of MRSA have the genes of meeA in general. Conclusion The muhidrug resistant of MRSA which calls for highly attention of medical staff.
New Medicine