
典型车速控制措施的有效性与适应性分析 被引量:5

Effectiveness and Adaptability Analysis of Typical Speed Control Measures
摘要 针对目前车速控制措施评价中存在的问题,从有效性和适应性2个方面建立了评价指标集,并根据实际道路上的车载实验数据,分析了限速标志、振动减速标线、减速丘这3种典型车速控制措施的有效性和适应性。分析结果表明:3种车速控制措施的实时速度曲线均为"不完全对称V形",瞬时心率曲线随时间而下降;有效性方面,减速丘的减速效果最明显,限速标志最弱,但其作用时间最长,对驶出速度影响最大,振动减速标线对驶出速度的影响最小;适应性方面,限速标志对驾驶人造成的紧张感和不舒适感最弱,减速丘最强。 In order to evaluate the existing speed control measures,this paper established a set of evaluation indicates based on the following two aspects: effectiveness and adaptability.In this paper,the effectiveness and adaptability of the three typical speed control measures,which include speed limit signs,rumble strips and speed bumpers,are evaluated according to the experiment data collected on actual roads.The analysis results show that the real-time speed curves of the three speed control measures are all "unsymmetrical V-shape" and the instantaneous heart rate curves decline over time.In terms of effectiveness of three measures,the speed bumpers are most effective in deceleration.The speed limit signs show the weakest effect,but their effects last the longest time.They also have the greatest impact on exit velocity,and,on the other hand,the rumble strips have the least impact on exit velocity.In terms of the adaptability,speed limit signs raise least tension and discomfort,and speed bumpers result in the strongest tension and discomfort.
出处 《交通信息与安全》 2010年第3期96-99,共4页 Journal of Transport Information and Safety
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:50708019) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(批准号:NCET-08-0115) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(批准号:CX08B_130Z)资助
关键词 车速控制措施 有效性 适应性 差异性 speed control measure effectiveness adaptability difference
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