目的探讨尖锐湿疣(CA)患者人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)DNA定量测定及HPV分型。方法用荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)对133例CA患者疣体组织进行HPV分型和HPV DNA定量检测。结果133例CA患者经二氧化碳激光治疗后有93例治愈,40例复发。HPV亚型分析显示,133例标本中检出HPV DNA阳性131例(98.50%),110例(82.71%)基因型为HPV6/11,12例(9.02%)为HPV16/18,9例(6.77%)为HPV6/11合并HPV16/18。对131例HPV DNA阳性患者治疗前病毒载量进行分组比较,病毒载量为10^3-10^5拷贝/mL的患者50例,有11例患者复发;病毒载量10^5-10^7拷贝/mL的患者39例,有14例患者复发;病毒载量为〉107拷贝/mL的患者42例,有15例患者复发。HPV6/11有23例复发,HPV16/18有10例复发,HPV6/11合并HPV16/18有7例复发。结论CA检测HPV DNA能区分高危型HPV和低危型HPV感染,可对CA复发及癌变进行预测。
Objective To use fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction(FQ-PCR) for detection of Human papillomavirus(HPV) DNA and HPV typing in patients with condyloma acuminatum(CA).Methods FQ-PCR for HPV typing and detection of HPV DNA in wart tissue were performed in 133 patients with CA.Results In the 133 cases,93 cases were cured after carbon dioxide laser treatment,but 40 cases had a relapse.HPV subtype analysis was performed.There were 131 HPV DNA positive cases of the 133 cases(98.50%),including 110 cases(82.71%) with genotype HPV6/11,12 cases(9.02%) with genotype HPV16/18 and 9 cases(6.77%) with genotype HPV6/11 and HPV16/18.131 HPV DNA positive patients without being treated in groups were compared according to the HPV DNA virus load.There were 11 recurrence cases in 50 cases with virus load 10^3-10^5copies/mL.There were 14 recurrence cases in 39 cases with virus load 10^5-10^7copies/mL.There were 15 recurrence cases in 42 cases with virus load 107copies/mL.23 recurrence cases with HPV6/11,10 recurrence cases with HPV16/18 and 7 recurrence cases with HPV6/11 and HPV16/18 were observed.Conclusions Detecting HPV DNA can distinguish the high-risk HPV from low-risk HPV infection,and it can predict the possibility of condyloma recurrence and cancerization.
Laboratory Medicine
Human papillomavirus
Condyloma acuminatum
Polymerase chain reaction
Fluorescent quantitation