In order to provide scientific basis for genetic resource protection and utilization of pigeons,genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of different pigeon breeds were studied by using mtDNA Cyt b gene as marker,through PCR amplification, sequencing and data analysis by biologic informatics,it showed that A,G,C,T percentages in all samples were 26.5%,13.4%,34.8% and 25.3%,respectively. A total of 371 variation sites were found and all of them were transitions and transversions. In 38 identified haplotype,the average haplotype diversity (Hd) and nueleotide diversity (Pi)was 0.997 and 0.11373 each. The Kimura 2 parameter genetic distance was 0.000 to 0.018 within 6 domestic pigeon breeds,and there was the lowest distance between King pigeon (KiP)and Sheek-kee pigeon (SKP) and the highest one between Hill pigeon(HiP) and either of Blue-ring pigeon(BRP)and Carnean pigeon(CaP). As far as 34 homologous sequences released by NCBI were used for analysis,we proved that six domestic pigeon breeds had one common ancestor.
China Poultry