Hydrological process factors are a reflection of the physical mechanism of basin hydrology,which can provide important basis for the use and protection of water resources.Taking Heihe River Mountain Basin as the study area,the hydrological simulation was made based on SWAT-GIS integrated model platform.The calculation methods of hydrological process factors using SWAT model were described based on the simulation results of runoff from 1990 to 2000.Hydrological process factors in the study area were analyzed by using GIS technology.The spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation,runoff,infiltration,evapotranspiration and snowmelt in the basin were calculated and analyzed.
水文过程要素是流域水文物理机制的反映,能够为流域水资源的利用和保护提供重要依据。以黑河山区流域为研究区域,采用SWAT-GIS集成模型平台进行水文模拟,阐述SWAT模型水文过程要素的计算方法,基于GIS技术,并利用1990 ~2000年共11年的径流模拟结果数据,对研究区的水文过程要素进行分析,计算分析流域内降水、径流、入渗、蒸散发、融雪等要素的时空变化特征。黑河山区流域的水文过程要素时空变化研究有利于更加清楚认识该地区水文陆面过程的地域和时间特性。在空间上,沿黑河干流中山带分布的青海云杉植被地区是重要的地下水补给区域,流域东部和高海拔地区为重要的产水源地。同时通过模拟结果分析得出,在年内各月份中,4 ~5月的融雪径流、6 ~8月的地表径流和11月至次年3月的地下径流是黑河干流出山径流产生的主导因素。
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(40972207)
National S&T Major Project(2009ZX05039-004)~~