
八角茴香产地适宜性分析与数值区划 被引量:4

Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Digital Regionalization for Illicium verum Hook.f.
摘要 目的:明确道地产区八角茴香的主要生态因子,分析八角茴香在中国的适宜生长区域并分级区划,为八角茴香种植科学选址、合理规划和生产布局提供参考。方法:以实地调查采样点、标本查阅和文献研究为基础,采用《中药材产地适宜性分析地理信息系统-Ⅱ》(TCMGIS-Ⅱ)获得八角茴香生态因子,以此为依据对八角茴香在全国的生态适宜性进行分析。结果:首次分析获得了八角茴香道地产区主要生态因子:≥10℃积温6047.4~7998.6℃;1月均温11.5~13.6℃;1月最低气温7.2℃;7月均温24.4~28.4℃;7月最高气温32.8℃;年降水量1447~1608mm;年日照时数1499~1649h;相对湿度77.8%~80.7%;年均气温23.5~26.2℃;土壤以赤红壤为主。结果表明,八角茴香最适宜区(相似系数95%~100%)主要位于广西、广东、福建和云南共198个县市,面积达164761.8km2;适宜区(相似系数90%~95%),面积达73195.8km2,其中云南省面积最大,为26278.6km2,其次为海南省(面积13644.5km2)。并对八角茴香生态适宜区进行了生产等级区划(最适宜区和适宜区)。结论:利用TCMGIS-II技术对八角茴香的产地适宜性分析是对中药生产数值区划新的有益尝试,是将数值化定量评价引入整个传统植物区划研究领域的示范研究,为八角茴香资源可持续利用奠定基础。 Illicium verum Hook. f. is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. As an important raw material for the production of Tamiflu, it is considered as the first option for the treatment of avian influenza and H1N1 influenza virus infection. This study aims to investigate the comprehensive ecological factors and regional suitability of L verum Hook. f. in China. Based on the field survey, specimens inspection and literature review, we made a nationwide analysis of the ecological factors and optimal areas for the growth and development of L verum Hook. f. using the Traditional Chinese Medicine Geographic Information System-Ⅱ (TCMGIS-Ⅱ ), and obtained the optimal set of comprehensive environmental ecological factors for the growth of L verum Hook. f.: the accumulated temperature above 10 ℃ is 6047.4-7998.6 ℃; the average temperature in January is 11.5-13.6 ℃; the lowest temperature in January is 7.2 ℃; the average temperature in July is 24.4-28.4; the highest temperature in July is 32.8 ℃; the annual average temperature is 23.5-26.2℃; the annual sunshine time is 1499-1649 h; the annual precipitation is 1447-1608 mm; and the main soil type is latosolic red soil. The optimal districts (similarity 95%-100%) for L verum Hook. f. growth are Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, and Yunnan provinces, occupying 164761.8 km^2, including 198 counties and cities in total. The appropriate areas (similarity 90%-95%) make up 73195.8 km^2, with Yunnan Province as the largest area, being 26278.6 km^2, followed by Hainan Province of 13644.5 km^2. We divided the adaptable ecological area into two parts and further discussed their characteristics The results may offer scientific evidence for the sustainable development of L verum Hook. f. It is also considered a critical means to evaluate Traditional Chinese Medicine geographical regionalization using TCMGIS-Ⅱ.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 2010年第3期468-472,共5页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 科学技术部"十一五"国家支撑计划项目(2006BAI09B02-1):道地药材生态适宜性分析技术研究及生产区划 负责人:陈士林 国家中医药管理局中医药行业专项基金(200707007):中药材多基源品种的质量等同性研究 负责人:陈士林
关键词 八角茴香 产地适宜性分析 数值区划 生态因子 TCMGIS—Ⅱ lllicium verum Hook. f., Analysis of ecological suitability, Digital regionalization, Ecological factors, TCMGIS- Ⅱ
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