

The Algorithms of Cameras Reconstruction with Known Rotation Using L_∞ Problems
摘要 基于多幅图像序列的三维重建过程中,相机模型的坐标统一是非常重要的基础。在已知两两相机之间的相对关系的情况下,将相机模型统一至同一世界坐标系,并恢复特征点的三维坐标。本文给出了一种基于L∞范式的求解已知旋转相机重建方法。给出了一种基于L∞范式的几何结构和运动问题的新框架,并用实验证明了算法能够达到很好的性能。 Three-dimensional reconstruction techniques from image sequences is based on the three-dimensional image reconstruction algorithm of two-image.This paper presents a new framework for solving geometric structure and motion problems based on L∞-norm.Instead of using the common sum-of-squares cost-function,that is,the L2-norm,the model-fitting errors are measured using the L∞-norm.Unlike traditional methods based on L2-norm,our framework allows for efficient computation of global estimates.We show that a variety of structure and motion problems,for example,triangulation,camera resectioning and homography estimation can be recast as a quasi-convex optimization problem within this framework.In the end,the proposed solutions have been validated on real data in different settings with small and large dimensions and with excellent performance.
作者 马莉 郑永果
出处 《信息技术与信息化》 2010年第3期37-39,67,共4页 Information Technology and Informatization
关键词 L∞范式 二分搜索法 多视几何 SOCP问题 L∞-norm Bisection Multiview geometry SOCP Programming
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