目的:分析江西省赣州市成年人罹患肠道易激惹综合征的现状及相关因素。方法:采用整群、分层、随机抽样方法,于2008年5月—2008年8月对3 021例年龄大于18岁的人群进行调查,调查内容包括肠道易激惹综合征及其相关因素等共118个项目。对调查结果进行单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析。结果:3 021例中肠道易激惹综合征患病率14.3%,其中女性患病率为16.1%,男性为8.3%,有显著性差异(P<0.001)。患病率随年龄增长而增高,且与劳动强度、心理压力、性格、运动情况、饮食习惯、工作环境等相关。结论:该地区肠道易激惹综合征患病率高于亚洲平均水平。饮食习惯以辛辣为主,年轻人就业与经济压力大,性格内向和生活习惯不规律为患病的高危因素。
Objective:To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of the adult irritable bowel syndrome in Ganzhou at present.Methods: A cluster,stratified random sampling method was used,3021 participants aged above 18 years were screened between May 2008 and Augest 2008.Statistical analysis was performed using univariate and multivariate logistic regressions.Results: The prevalence of IBS was 14.3%,in female it was 16.1%,while male was 8.3%,the difference was significant(P0.001).The growth of incidence was increase parallel with the age.The risk factors included the labor intensity,nature,psychological stress,personality,activities,eating habits,working environment and other related.Conclusions: The prevalence of IBS in Ganzhou city was higher than the average prevalence of Asia.The reason was that people accustomed to spicy food in this region,greater economic pressure on the current employment of young people,introverted and irregular living habits.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine