随着高速数据采集设备传输带宽的日益提高,开发者需要采用新的计算机总线进行数据传输。这里叙述了使用EP2SGX90系列FPGA完成PCI-Express协议转换,多种DMA工作方式及相关寄存器的作用。以链式DMA传输方式为例,详细介绍该传输方式下的寄存器设置及在驱动程序中的实现范例。实验表明,用FPGA实现协议转换,总线持续传输速率最高可以达到1.2 Gb/s,满足大多数高速数据采集设备的要求。在此摒弃了采用专用总线接口芯片的传统方法,将开发者的逻辑设计和总线协议转换放到同一个FPGA芯片中,不但节省了硬件成本,利用其可编程特性,大大提高了设计可扩展性,同样的硬件很容易完成由PCIE 1.0到PCIE 2.0的升级。
Along with increase of transmission bandwidth of the high-speed data acquisition systems, the designers have to use the new computer bus to complete the data transmission. The implementation of PCI-Express protocol transform with aplication of FPGA of EP2SGXg0 series, the functions of multiple DMA operation modes and the relative register are de- scribed. Taking the chained transmissin mode as an example, the register setup in the chained DMA transmission mode and the implementation in the driver are introduced in detail. By this means, the continuous transmission rate of the bus is up to 1.2 GB. The experiment indicates that it can be applied to mass of data acquisition designs. One FPGA chip is adopted to ac- complish the logic control and protocol transform of PCI--Express instead of the special bus interface chip. It lowers the design cost and improves the expandability of design. It is is for the same hardware to upgrade the PCIE1.0 to PCIE2.0.
Modern Electronics Technique