
大功率微波区域/全身低热对心血管某些功能的影响 被引量:7

The effects upon some cardiovascular functions by regional/ whole body low hyperthermia induced by high power microwave.
摘要 目的观察微波对区域性/全身低热疗法后引起的血压、脉搏、心电图的改变。方法对54例晚期肿瘤患者用大功率915微波机加热下胸或脐周围持续120~180min,食管或直肠温度达40℃以上,120~180min。热疗前后测血压、心率及心电图。结果患者有不同程度的心动增速,血压轻度增加。热疗前ECG正常的44例,热疗后有16例(36%)出现不同程度的心肌缺血;热疗前ECG有轻度缺血性改变的10例,热疗后8例ECG改变加重,2例ECG改变消失。热疗120分钟,ECG出现异常的有25%(6/24),150分钟以上时有50%(10/20)。均于3~4周后恢复,无严重后果,ECG异常的发生率似与被加温的部位无关。结论全身热疗可加重心肌负担,慢性心肌供血不足的病人要慎用。 ObjectiveTo observe the pulse,blood pressure and ECG changes after regional/ whole body low hyperthemia.Methods 54 advanced cancer patients were heated by 600~800W microwave power to the lower chest or midabdominal region for 120~180min.The temperature in rectum or esophagus is higher than 40℃ to certain time.The pulse,blood pressure and ECG are taken before and after traetment.Results In 44 cases with normal ECG findings,16(36%) cases were found with more or less ST depression in their ECG.In 10 cases with mild abnormal EGC findings,ST depression was found in multiple channels in 8 cases,while in 2 cases the abnormal finding was no more exist.Patients heated for 120 minutes,25%(6/24) of them were found with abnormal ECG after treatment,while patients heated for 150-180min,50%(10/20).The incidence of abnormal ECG seems with no relationship to sites of heating.No serious side effect was found in this group.Conclusion The burden of cardiac muscle may be aggravated by the whole body hyperthermia.The invalids with blood short supply of cardiac muscle must be careful for this therapy.
出处 《齐鲁肿瘤杂志》 1999年第1期6-7,共2页
关键词 肿瘤 热疗法 心电图 心肌缺血 Carcinoma Regional/ whole body hyperthermia ECG Cardiac ischemia
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