
经阴道三维容积超声成像在纵隔子宫诊断中的价值 被引量:6

The diagnostic value of transvaginal three-dimensional volume ultrasound on uterus septus
摘要 目的探讨经阴道二维及三维容积超声成像对单纯性和非单纯性纵隔子宫诊断的价值。方法对32例经宫腔镜与腹腔镜联合检查(31例)或全子宫切除术(5例)后确诊的单纯性和非单纯性纵隔子宫患者﹙合并子宫肿瘤和宫内早孕,宫内有节育器)的经阴道二维及三维容积超声图像进行分析比较。结果宫腔镜与腹腔镜联合检查及全子宫切除术后病理诊断证实的32例纵隔子宫患者中,术前超声检出单纯性纵隔子宫21例(不全纵隔子宫17例,完全纵隔子宫4例);非单纯性纵隔子宫11例(完全纵隔子宫1例,不全纵隔子宫10例;7例合并子宫肌瘤,1例宫内早孕,4例放置宫内节育器)。其中经阴道二维超声诊断单纯性纵隔子宫15例(15/21),非单纯性纵膈子宫4例(4/11);经阴道三维容积超声诊断单纯性纵膈子宫21例(21/21),非单纯性纵隔子宫10例(10/11)。结论经阴道二维超声不能显示子宫外部轮廓,而经阴道三维容积超声冠状面可清晰显示其轮廓,并可显示膈膜的长度和宫底部隔膜中心点的角度;对正确诊断纵隔子宫及显示异常子宫形态方面均优于经阴道二维超声,可作为纵隔子宫诊断首选的检查方法。 Objective To investigate the value of the diagnosis for simple and complicated uterus septus with transvaginal three-dimensional volume ultrasound. Methods The uterus septus images of transvaginal two-dimensional ultrasound and transvaginal three-dimensional volume ultrasound were retrospectively analysed in the 32 subjects who were already diagnosed by combined laparoscopic hysteroscopy or hysterectomy. Enrolled thirty-two patients included simple (without uterus neoplasm,intrauterine device and intrauterine pregnancy ) and complicated (with uterus neoplasm or/and intrauterine device or/and intrauterine pregnancy) uterus septus. Results There were 32 uterus septus including 21 simple and llcomplicated septate uterus in our study group. Twenty-one simple uterus septus were further classified as complete (4 cases) and incomplete (subseptate uterus, 17 cases) ones. Eleven complicated uteres septus were further classified as complete ( 1 cases) and incomplete ( subseptate uterus, 10 eases) ones as well. Seven patients had uterus myoma,4 patients had intrauterine device and 1 patient had intrauterine pregnancy. The diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal two-dimensional ultrasound and three-dimensional volume ultrasound were 15 (15/21)and 21 (21/21)for simple uterus septus and 4 (4/11) and 10 (10/11) for complited uterus septus. Conclusion Transvaginal two-dimensional ultrasound could not show the external contour of uterus but the three-dimensional volume ultrasound. The length of septum and the angle at the central point of the septum were shown. Compared with transvaginal two-dimensional ultrasound, the three-dimensional volume ultrasound showed higher accuracy, therefore it can be used as the preferred method of diagnosis for completed or incompleted septate uterus.
出处 《中华医学超声杂志(电子版)》 2010年第7期37-39,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound(Electronic Edition)
关键词 超声检查 三维成像 纵隔子宫 Ultrasonography Three-dimensional imaging Uteres septus
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