
建国初期广东侨批业管理政策的调整及影响(1950—1953年) 被引量:4

The Policy Adjustment towards the Overseas Chinese Remittance Management in Guangdong and Its Impacts from 1950 to 1953
摘要 论文利用广东省档案馆馆藏相关档案等文献,对1950—1953年反禁运斗争、土地改革和"五反"运动期间的广东侨批业管理政策调整问题进行了分析阐述,旨在探讨社会运动对侨务政策的内在影响以及国有化方针在侨批业中的深化过程。随着全国反禁运斗争、新解放区土地改革和"五反"运动的先后进行,国家在打击华南外汇黑市、划分兼营土地的侨批业经营者阶级成分和改善侨批业劳资不公基础上,逐步强化了对广东侨批业的管制,初步达到侨汇归公、严禁黑市的管理目的。尽管在各类运动中一些过激举措和工作偏差对侨批业造成不同程度的负面影响,但在国有化方针和争取侨汇政策影响下,侨批业管理政策在不断调整,改进、补救和纠正运动中的各类问题并维护了侨汇稳定。在此过程中,广东侨批业的国有化力度显著增强。 Based on the archival documents shelved in the Guangdong Provincial Archives, this article studies the government policy adjustment towards the Overseas Chinese remittance management in early PRC when the Anti-Embargo,the Land Reform and the Movement against the Five Evils were launched in succession,with the aim to explore the internal impact resulted by the nationwide movements and nationalization policy on the Overseas Chinese affairs and Overseas Chinese remittance. With the development of the nationwide movements, the government authorities gradually tightened the control over the Overseas Chinese remittance sector in Guangdong by adopting a number of measures, such as cracking down the underground foreign exchange markets of South China,identifying the class status of remittance business operators, resolving the income imparity problem in the remittance sector. The underground foreign exchange market as a result was banned,and the Overseas Chinese remittance was controlled by the government. Inevitably radical measures and mistakes were taken during the political movements,causing damages to the remittance sector. In spite of this,the local provincial government tried hard to adjust and improve the policy towards the Overseas Chinese remittance management while reducing the damages,which in turn stabilized the inflow of remittance with the development of nationalization.
作者 张小欣
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2010年第2期22-30,共9页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20080430846) 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目(WYM08057)
关键词 广东 侨批业 侨汇 侨务政策 反禁运 土地改革 “五反” 国有化 Guangdong the Overseas Chinese remittance sector Overseas Chinese remittance policies towards Overseas Chinese the Anti-Embargo the Land Reform the Movement against the Five Evils nationalization
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