In order to confirm the nerve
regenerative effect
of muscle bridge formed by long muscle,we make sartorius into natural degenerative muscular
bridge. When cutting off,the muscular band is sutured to the defect of femoral nerve(about 3 cm)
on the left limb for 24 dogs.During various days after the operation,the defective position of
femoral nerve is cut off. They are respectively made into optical or electrical preparations, then
observed and tested under the light and electrical microscope and Luzex F image analysis
machine. The results are as followings:the regenerative nerve effect of nerve with muscular
bridge formed by sartorius is better. After 6 months of the operation,2/3 of myelinated nerve
fiber arrive the target organ(quatriceps femoris). After 10 months of the operation,there is no
notable defference on qualitity of myelinated nerve fibers between the proximal and distal
segments. But the density of nerve fiber are larger and thiner nerve fiber are more at the distal
segment,which indicate that regenerative nerve fibers are developing. The effect may be
resulted that sartorius fiber is longer and the cut section of both ends of muscle fiber at the
bridged segment are more than others,so as to pass through by regenerative nerve fibers. We
consider that sartorius constituted by long muscle fiber may be the muscular brideg which is
the most suitable to nerve regeneration.
Progress of Anatomical Sciences
muscular bridge
nerve defect