
活性染料“三高”、“一次准确”和受控染色技术进展(二) 被引量:1

Three Highs, One Correct and Controlled Dyeing Development of Reactive Dyestuff ( Ⅱ )
摘要 活性染料是非常重要的一类染料,生态染色技术尤其收到重视,因此“高固色、高提升与高牢度”,“一次准确”和受控染色技术近年来普遍收到注意。该文不仅介绍了这些技术特点,还指出了存在的难点,为此文章理论上突出了研发这些染色技术的新思路,也对目前开发的有关技术存在的问题进行了分析。 Reactive dye is an important kind of dyes, thus ecological dyeing technology has been highly valued. In recent years, much attention has been paid to high fixation, high lifting power, and high fastness, one correct and controlled dyeing. The article introduces technical features and existing difficulties as well, which emphasizes new ideas for dyeing technology theoretically and analyses the existing technical problems.
作者 宋心远
机构地区 东华大学
出处 《上海染料》 2010年第3期5-12,共8页 Shanghai Dyestuffs
关键词 活性染料 高固色 高提升 高牢度 一次准确 受控染色 Reactive Dyes High Fixation High Lifting High Fastness One Correct Controlled Dyeing
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