

Algae Removal by Coagulation in Water From Jinyang Lake
摘要 为控制晋阳湖富营养化,对湖水进行了采样、分析;并采用聚合氯化铝(PACl)对晋阳湖水中藻类的混凝去除进行了研究.结果表明:晋阳湖的主要污染物为COD(Chemical OxygenDemand)、总磷(Total Phosphorus)、总氮(Total Nitrate);COD含量均值为81.5 mg/L,总氮含量在2~4 mg/L之间变化.晋阳湖水质处于中度富营养化状态,在一定条件下极有可能发生藻华.混凝对该水体中藻类有一定的去除效果.不同碱化度的混凝剂除藻效果不同,碱化度为1.5的PACl混凝除藻效果最好,当混凝剂投量为15 mg/L时,藻类去除率达93.75%.混凝处理控制富营养化时,混凝剂种类和投量不能以浊度去除率为唯一标准,而应参考除藻率等要求,使用适当的混凝剂和较大的投量. In order to control the eutrophication of Jinyang lake sampling,analysis to the lake water;were done the study is using different basicities of the PACI pairs to remove algae of Jinyang lake by coagulation.The results showed that:the main pollutant of Jinyang Lake is COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand),total phosphorus,total nitrogen;the mean content of COD is 81.5 mg/L,total nitrogen content ranges between 2~4 mg/L.The water quality of Jinyang Lake is in a eutrophic state,and under certain conditions,algal blooms are most likely to occur.To algae and phosphorus removal,coagulation of the water have a certain amount and when using different basicities of the coagulant,the effect is different,while basicity PACl coagulation of 1.5 is the best,when the coagulant dosage is of 15 mg/L,the algae removal rate reached 93.75 %.Studies have shown that,while using coagulation to control eutrophication,the coagulant type and dosage can not be the only criterion for turbidity removal efficiency,but algae and phosphorus removal rate,etc.should be referred to and the suitable coagulant with lange quantity should be used.
作者 李少华
出处 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第2期137-140,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 混凝 藻类 晋阳湖 污染 coagulation algae Jinyang Lake pollution
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