

On the System of Subrogation Performance in China
摘要 国内经济飞速发展,经济主体的数量不断增加,相互间经济交往日益复杂,彼此之间的利益冲突也日益增多,从而导致诸如三角债、执行难等问题的出现,代位执行制度作为解决这些问题的有效措施之一出现在民事诉讼领域,为最大限度的实现法律的公平正义价值提供了一种可操作的模式。但该制度在理论上对其特征、性质及一些相关问题均存在较大的争议,在实践中对于该制度的适用亦存在一些问题亟待解决。 More and more economic subjects emerged with the rapid development of economy,whereas the communication and conflicts of interest among them become more frequent and complicated.Resulting from that,some problems such as debt default and difficulties in execution have appeared.As one of the effective measures to solve those problems,subrogation performance system appears in the civil field,providing an operational mode to realize the maximum value of justice and fairness.However,there are some controversies on its characteristics,nature and some other problems in theory,and there are also some problems demanding urgent solution in practice.
作者 穆昌亮 王颖
机构地区 贵州大学法学院
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期33-39,共7页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 代位执行 代位权 保障性执行措施 第三人异议权 subrogation performance subrogation right guarantee execution measure the rights of objection for the third person
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