
Banyan-Batcher ATM交换机中虚电路的建立

The Principle of Banyan-Batcher ATM switch
摘要 通过Banyan-Batcher交换机介绍ATM中虚电路的建立。Banyan-Batcher交换机能高质量地满足ATM交换机的要求:以最低信元丢弃率交换信元,依序在虚电路上传输信元。但它未能解决多条入线导向同一出线冲突问题,论文同时讨论了对此的一般解决方法。 The paper is about the principle of Banyan Batcher ATM switch which obtained finely the two common goals that all ATM switches have:Switch all cells with as low a discard rate as possible;Never reorder the cells on a virtual circuit.It also presents the solution for the cells arriving from two or more import lines to the same output port in the same cycle.
出处 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 1999年第1期63-66,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
关键词 ATM 交换机 B-B交换机 虚电路 B-ISDN ATM switch cell Banyan Batcher switch
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