研究了金银花挥发油的提取方法及其GC/MS的分析方法,通过气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析了金银花挥发油的主要化学成分及其相对含量.建立了金银花的GC/MS指纹图谱,并利用该指纹图谱比较了两个不同产地金银花的质量情况.气相色谱/质谱法的实验条件是:毛细管柱为Rtx(30 m×0.25 mm×0.25μm);进样口温度为250℃;程序升温为60℃至150℃(5℃/min),150℃至250℃(8℃/min);60℃以后停3 min,150℃以后停8 min,-250℃以后停5 min;EI源温度200℃,离子源接口温度250℃.结果表明,金银花挥发油的提取率随地区的不同而不同,采用GC/MS法控制药材的指纹图谱,该方法重现性好、准确度高,可用于金银花的质量评价.
The paper has studied the method of extracting essential oils in Honeysuckle and its main chemical constituents and relative contents by GC/MS. In order to compare the qualities of Honeysuckle in different yields, it is necessary to establish Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrum fingerprints of its. The experimental condition of GC-MS, capillary mast: Rtx (30 m, 0.25 mm, 0.25μm ); injection port temperature 250 ℃; process temperature: 60 ℃ to 150 ℃( 5 ℃/min), 150 ℃ to 250 ℃ ( 8 ℃/min ); stop 3min since 60℃, stop 8 min since 150 ℃, stop 5 min since 250℃; EI resource: ion resource temperature 200 ℃, ion resource's injection port temperature 250 ℃. The result indicated that the volatile oil in Honeysuckle have different compositions following different fields. Consequently, this GC/MS fingerprints have a great repeatability and feasibility in analysis of Honeysuckle, and can be used in quality assessment of Honeysuckle.
Journal of Linyi Teachers' College