从建港条件、港池正常回淤和港池骤淤等方面,综合分析了乐清湾港区采取"浅水深用"开发方案的技术可行性。研究表明,乐清湾港区采取"浅水深用"开发建设是可行的,乐清湾港池骤淤可能性不大。对乐清湾港区"浅水深用"开发方案的几个关键技术问题进行了探讨:一是码头前沿线的确定,这不仅直接关系到码头投资和营运成本,还对今后乐清湾其它工程产生较大的影响。运用全寿命周期成本理念,通过对建设投资、疏浚方量、维护成本、营运成本等方面的比较与分析以及对码头前沿线位置进行模型试验研究和多方案比选后认为,码头前沿线采用400 m栈桥方案是最为经济合理的。二是港池大开挖技术方式合理确定。为减少港池回淤,开挖方式应采取非坑槽开挖,港池与深槽连通,南、北码头区港池疏浚连通。三是港池疏浚土资源综合利用。在港池开挖和维护中,要贯彻循环经济理念,加强对港池疏浚废土的综合利用。结合港区围垦陆域工程的实施、港池疏浚吹填和软基处理,对港池疏浚泥进行资源化利用,既解决沿海大量废弃疏浚泥的处理问题,又可避免疏浚泥对环境的污染。四是港池维护措施的制定。乐清湾港区港池开挖后,港池的骤淤量虽不大,但港池开挖后采取维护措施是必要的,应考虑经济合理的备淤深度,以减少开挖方量和维护量。五是固滩护滩措施的制定。考虑到双屿港开闸泄水对港区回淤的影响,对双屿港南侧滩地采取必要的固滩护滩措施,遏制或减少双屿港开闸泄水对滩地泥沙的掀动作用。六是应结合乐清湾港池疏浚与吹填工程,加强现场监测,进一步验证前期科研成果的准确性和可靠性。监测资料分析表明,前期科研成果的准确性和可靠性是有保证的。
With the implementation of "strong port and shipping province" strategy and the rapid economic development of Wenzhou and Taizhou Cities,the contradiction between existing port and navigation layout and the economic development is increasingly prominent,and the develop of deepwater port is urgently needed.But natural deep water waterfront resources there are deficient,and thus using technology of "utilization of shallow water for deep water purposes" in large bays to develop deep water port is imperative.The port area of Yueqingwan Bay is a major region for developing deep water port in the near future.But the natural water depth at the western bank of Yueqingwan Bay does not meet the requirements of deep water port and utilization of shallow water for deep water purposes via dredging is planned,in which the volume of back-silting after dredging and the sudden siltation is the key for the success of development program.In this article some key technical issues of the program are discussed.The first one is the determination of the front line of the wharf,which is not only related to the wharf investment and operational cost directly,but also has great impacts on other engineering projects in the bay.Its position and the length of the jetty should be defined through comprehensive analysis and comparison of construction investment,dredging volume,maintenance and operational cost etc,so as to make the siltation strength lower and the construction and operational cost less.The feasibility of the program is studied from construction condition,normal back-silting and sudden siltation of the wharf,which shows that the development program of "utilization of shallow water for deep water purposes" is feasible and possibility of sudden siltation of the wharf is small.Using the total life cycle cost idea,model experiments of the front line position of the wharf for different schemes were carried out through comparative analysis of the construction investment,dredging volume,maintenance and operational cost,which i
Journal of Marine Sciences
"utilization of shallow water for deep water purpose"
sudden siltation
total life cycle cost idea
Yueqingwan Bay