
国际多元合作推动灾区重建的回顾和思考——以印度洋地震海啸印度尼西亚灾区为例 被引量:4

International Multifactor Cooperation in Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Disaster Affected Area:A Case Study of Aceh-Nias,Indonesia
摘要 鉴于目前在灾区重建中的国际多元合作机制尚未成熟,以及以往研究过分强调国际援助中夹杂了援助方自身利益追求的因素,受此影响一部分受灾国对国际援助表现出消极态度等现状,本研究通过系统梳理国际组织发表的一系列有关2004年印度洋地震海啸后印度尼西亚灾区重建的文献资料,总结了此次有史以来最大规模的国际多元合作援助行动在及时性、可信性、针对性、实效性以及多元化诸方面的特点,进而明确了在应对重大自然灾害,特别是在灾后重建过程中加强国际多元合作的意义。 At present,the international multifactor cooperation in the reconstructions of disaster affected area are not well developed yet.In the historical research,more emphasis was placed in the efforts taken by the donors for their own interests in the process of international donations.Influenced by this ideology,some disasters affected countries are having negative attitude to international donations.In light of the mentioned situations,this research systemizes the documentation published in various international organizations that are pertinent to rehabilitation reconstruction of Indonesia after the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami in December 2004.This research summa-rized a series of features of this largest scale international multifactor cooperation in history,with the focus on its time efficiency,credibility,pertinence,substantive,and multifactor style.Based on the above,significance of international multifactor cooperation is clarified and strengthened for coping with large scare natural disasters,especially in the reconstruction of disaster affected area.
作者 王岱 张文忠
出处 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2010年第2期130-137,共8页 World Regional Studies
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目群(Kzcx-YW-Q06)
关键词 重大自然灾害 灾后重建 国际多元合作 印度洋地震海啸 large-scare natural disasters rehabilitation and reconstruction international multifactor cooperation the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami
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