
“剩女”现象的发生逻辑及其应对路径 被引量:2

The Occuring Logic of "Shelved Ladies" and Countermeasures
摘要 "剩女"是在城市化进程加速、市场经济进一步渗透和发展的今天,人们对于都市适龄或大龄成熟未婚女子的一种特定称谓。"剩女"现象的形成因素包括宏观和微观两个方面。针对这两方面的因素,我们应采取如下应对策略:加强舆论宣传,变革传统的婚配模式;回归"相亲"的传统,提高针对性和准确性;开展大学生婚恋观教育,使其形成正确的婚恋心态。 "Shelved Ladies" is a specific addressing for right age or over age single urban women in the era of rapid urbanization and high developed market economy.Its reasons includes marco and micro aspects.Concerning two factors,we should take the following measures: strengthen media publicity,reform tradtional marriage model,promote directness and correctness,conduct college students' marriage concept education,and enable them to form correct mentality of affection and marriage.
作者 陈慧
出处 《中华女子学院山东分院学报》 2010年第3期19-22,共4页
关键词 “剩女” 城市化 解读 Shelved Ladies urbanization interpretation
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