Google Maps以免费的方式向全球的用户发布了数量庞大的电子地图和卫星影像数据,由于Google Maps出色的设计使得用户将这些免费地图数据应用于自己的GIS程序成为可能。使用Google Maps提供的卫星地图服务可以随时随地查看地球的任意角落,现在它又开放了地标功能,可以用谷歌地图提供的在线地图服务与Mashup结合的方法,这样每个人都可以创建出属于自己的Google Maps卫星地图了。当你需要找工作时,就可以用Google Maps创建一张详细的个人简历卫星导航图,让招聘者在线浏览,使招聘者对你有更具体、更立体的了解。
Google Maps provide a lot of digital map data and satellite image data for the whole earth in free and it is possible for users to utilize these free geographic data into their GIS application with the help of good design of Google Maps.Use Google Maps offers a satellite mapping service can be anywhere see any corner of the earth,and now it opened up the placemark features,use Google Maps online mapping service provided by the method of combining with the Mashup,thus everyone can create their own satellite maps of Google Maps.When you need to find a job,you can use Google Maps to create a detailed resume on the satellite navigation map,so that recruiters online browse,let recruiters have a more concrete and three-dimensional understanding.
Computer Technology and Development