针对大气层外拦截器常值姿态控制问题,设计了一种"数字变推力"姿态控制系统。通过对拦截器动力学环节合理简化,应用线性二次型最优控制理论(LQR),设计出连续型角度最优控制律,并依据廉价控制、昂贵控制等原则,选择合适的加权矩阵推导出控制量的解析表达式;根据PWPF((Pulse Width Pulse Frequency)调制原理,将用连续推力设计最优控制律用于常值推力发动机,实现了"数字变推力"姿态控制系统设计;考虑燃料消耗及PWPF线性工作区要求等应用PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization)优化算法对PWPF调制器参数进行了优化设计和仿真。仿真结果表明了该设计方法的有效性及工程应用价值。
An attitude control system with the thrust transformed from digital is designed for the constant thrust control of exo-atmospheric interceptor.By simplifying the dynamics system of the interceptor reasonably a continuous angle control law base on the LQR theory is designed,and the analytic expression of control variable is calculated by selecting appropriate weighted matrix based on the principle of low-cost control and costly control.The optimum control law designed with continuous thrust based on PWPF principle is applied to constant thrust motors,which achieves the "DT" attitude control system.In view of the fuel consumption and the linear area the parameters of PWPF is optimized with PSO arithmetic and the simulation is done,which indicates that the design is effective and the value of engineering application is affirmative.
Fire Control & Command Control