在大数据量项目中,hash map是一个非常实用的数据结构,经常用于缓存、排重、查找等。本文在stl(standard tem plate library,标准模板库)hash map数据结构的基础上,通过利用桶下标的自然有序特点,减少了链表中对hash值的存储空间,使其大幅度地节省内存,同时在一些特定的条件下,也提高了查询性能。
Hash map is an economic data structure in a huge data project,and it is used in cache,removing duplicate,look-up and so on.The paper is based on the stl (standard template library) hash map data structure.It aims at some particular application occasions and improves memory usage and look-up performance.
Journal of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology